Untitled, 2015, acrylic, mixed media on canvas, 70×100 cm

“The nature has always fascinated me” says Diri, and continues; “I like to create big atmospheres out of spaces and venues and would like the viewers to discover and even remember these.” These artworks which clearly show her awareness on her artistic path can be seen on her first solo exhibition.

It is apparent that Diri has a great passion towards nature and therefore it is the primary content in her painting, just as in the lines of Nazım Hikmet’s poem; “A tree alone and free, like a forest in brotherhood…” 
Furthermore, the figure of human with all its existence and mobility, is sometimes prone to be deformed in her paintings; these figures are depicted just as powerful and impressive as the artist’s perception of color and nature. My opinion is that we might be seeing Diri with somewhat abstractionist expressions for which she would prefer wider perspectives.

As for now, let us enjoy what we see in these paintings where the artist is in search of creating joy and pleasure and sharing these with the viewers. Undoubtedly, Tuğçe Diri has all the qualities that she needs for this…


Untitled, 2015, acrylic, mixed media on canvas, 140×95 cm